Reconciliation for payment service
This document can be used as reference of reconciliation for payment service, which is a supplement to reconciliation service.For payment service, since the bill file does not include the single fund details of payment transactions, you may need to reconcile the settlement data with the payment transactions to meet your payment service fund reconciliation needs.
Settlement statement’s generation:
The generation of settlement statement depends on three conditions: settlement cycle, threshold amount, and whether it is a working day.
Settlement cycle usually is T+2 weeks/(months end),
For settlement cycle is T+2 weeks, if settlement conditions are met (working day, threshold amount is reached), all successful transactions in this week will be settled on the second week’s Monday;
For settlement cycle is T+2 months end, if settlement conditions are met(working day, threshold amount is reached), all successful transactions in this month will be settled on the second month’s end day.
Note: In the event of a holiday, the settlement will be postponed to the first working day after the holiday.
E.g. For transactions with settlement cycle of T+2 weeks, a summary slip of all the week’s successful transactions will be generated every second week’s Monday. If it is a working day and the amount of the summary slip reaches the threshold amount, a settlement statement will be generated.
Settlement statement data and payment service transactions data are all exported from MMC platform. Notes when exporting:
1.The time zones must be the same when exporting the two kinds of data; 2.Only successful transactions are included in settlement statement, correspondingly, the payment status must be ‘Success’ when exporting payment service transactions data;
3.Please export payment service transactions data based on ‘Order Complete Date’.
Settlement statement explanation:
1.Settlement statement is provided as a compressed file. it contains the following two excel files after decompression, in which, you need to do reconciliation based on the file named with ‘detail’. 2.When there is a refund order in the settlement statement, the order’s Txn created time refers to the creation time of the refund transaction, and the order’s completed time refers to the completion time of the refund transaction, which has no link with the original transaction.
3.The refund order’s Merchant Txn ID in the settlement statement refers to the refund transaction’s order ID, which corresponds to the original transaction’s Refund ID.
4.Settlement statement detail report explanation:
Template - STR210802279926529442123776_detail_0.xlsxTemplate-STR210804280825448066744320_sum_aFr.xlsx
Payment service transactions data explanation:
1.Please export payment service transactions data based on ‘Order Complete Date’ and ‘Success’ payment status.
2.If you need to query the original transaction information of the refund order in statement, you can go to the MMC platform [Payment]-[Refund Search] page to search for the refund order based on its created time and order ID, and then Go to the [Order Search] page to search for the original transaction information based on the order’s merchant Txn ID.
3.Payment service transactions report’s field explanation:
Template - payment_order_history_20211011_0.xlsx
How to do reconciliation when merchants open multiple payment methods with different settlement cycles:
For example, Above settlement statement detail information indicates:
Merchant opens payment methods of Taiwan AA, Thailand BB, Indonesia CC;
Taiwan AA payment method’s settlement cycle is 3 weeks;
Thailand BB payment method’s settlement cycle is 2 weeks;
There is refund transaction on July 23rd with Indonesia CC payment method;
Therefore, Merchant needs to download 2 weeks’ payment service transactions data during the period from July 12th to July 25th and do reconciliation with above settlement statement details based on country/payment method.