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Errorcode List

ORDER_REPEATThe order number repeat.
ORDER_NOT_EXISTThe order does not exist.
CONTRACT_NOT_SIGNEDMerchant didn't sign the contract or the payment method.
REDEEMCODE_EXPIREDRedeemCode has expired.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLEThe payment method already suspend, plz try other payment methods.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLEPayType is temporarily unavailable.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_EXISTThe payment method does not exist.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLEThe payment method is not available, plz try other payment methods.
TRANSACTION_EXCEED_LIMITTransaction exceed limit, please retry later.
AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient balance.
AMOUNT_UNMATCHEDThe single transfer amount does not meet the limit requirements.
AMOUNT_LIMIT_UNMATCHEDThe single transfer amount does not meet the limit requirements.
AMOUNT_DOES_NOT_MEETThe single transfer amount does not meet the limit requirements.
PAYEE_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITExceed user amount limit.
MISMATCHED_BANKBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Account and bank mismatch.
MISMATCHED_DOCUMENTSBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Mismatched documents.
CURRENCY_UNMATCHEDBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg: account currency does not match.
REQUEST_PARAM_INVALIDRequest param invalid.
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDAccount blocked or frozen.
INVALID_ACCOUNTInvalid account or not active.
INVALID_BANK_BRANCHInvalid bank branch.
INVALID_DOCUMENTBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg: document missing / does not match.
INVALID_PAYEE_NAMEBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg: name missing / does not match.
INVALID_PHONE_NOInvalid mobile number.
INVALID_EMAILEmail address is incorrect.
INVALID_EMAILInvalid address format.
INVALID_OPERATORInvalid operator.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_FORMATInvalid account format.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPEInvalid account type.
PAYMENT_CANCELEDPayment canceled.
PAYMENT_REJECTEDTransaction failed at processor end due to risk control.
DECLINED_BY_COMPLIANCEBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Declined by compliance.
RISK_INTERCEPTTransaction failed at our end due to risk control.
DECLINED_BY_RISKBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Declined by risk.
KYC_FAILEDBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:KYC failed.
RFI_BLACKLISTRejected due to failure of beneficiary to submit request information.
DECLINED_PAYEE_BLACKLISTEDBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Payee is in the blacklist.
PAY_OUT_BUSYSystem is busy.Please try again later.
PAYMENT_FAILEDPayment failed.
PROVIDER_FAILED_PROCESSProvider failed to process, please retry later.
PROVIDER_REFUSED_PROCESSProvider refused to process, please check later.
PROVIDER_REFUSED_PROCESSProvider refused to process, please recheck the payee information.
BUSINESS_ERRORBusiness error.
UNDEFINED_ERRORUndefined error.
BANK_NOT_AVAILABLEWrong bank details or bank not available.
OTHER_ERRORSSomething went wrong! Please inform us.
SYSTEM_ERRORSystem is busy, Please try again later.

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