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1、What is BounceBack?

In some countries, the financial system directly returns a successful status when receiving the payment application. After that, if there is an account number, account name error, or other circumstances that result in failure of crediting to the account, the receiving bank will return the payment to the original remitting bank and notify payment failure. Accordingly, when receiving disbursement bounceback notification from the terminal channel, PayerMax will change the status of the order from ‘success’ to ‘bounceback’, and return the funds and related fees to merchant’s corresponding account. BounceBack normally appears in Bank Transfer, and rarely happens.

2、How to notify the merchant when BounceBack happens? What does the merchant need to do after the BounceBack appears?

The merchant will be asynchronously notified when the status of an order is determined by PMMax as ‘BounceBack’, meanwhile, the order’s status value will be changed from ‘success’ to ‘bounceback’. Specifically on the MMC platform, when a bounceback occurs for a certain disbursement order, the order’s corresponding status will be changed from ‘Success’ to ‘Bounce Back’. In addition, merchants can also check orders’ ‘BounceBack’ statuses from the query interface.

Generally, BounceBack happens in below circumstances: the payee’s account is wrong, the payee’s name doesn’t match his/her bank account name, the payee’s account status is abnormal. Therefore, we recommended that you further verify with the payee whether the account information provided by them is accurate, and then try again as appropriate.

3、How long does it take to arrive after recharging? Which currencies are supported for deposit?

If the paying bank is a Hong Kong account, it is expected to arrive in T+0~T+1 days, and if it is a bank in other regions, it is estimated to be T+0~T+3 days. Supported recharge currencies can be viewed under the Merchant Platform - Recharge menu.

4、Must the name and address of the payee be true?

The suggestion is the same as that left by the bank/wallet, which can improve the success rate of payment.

5、When will the order status be called back?

Only when the order reaches the final state will it be called back
(1) If the order has not exceeded the time limit for payment, please refer to the time limit for payment on the official website and wait patiently
(2) If the time limit for payment has expired and it is still pending, please feedback payermax technical support for follow-up
(3) If the final state has been reached, please check whether the callback address has been uploaded, and you can feedback payermax technical support to query the callback log

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