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Payout Transaction Report

The payout transaction report displays all orders in the final state according to the payout transaction completion time. Display order: Arranged in reverse order of transaction order completion time. Note: For orders with refunds, the order will be displayed in the report according to the refund update time. Because the refund is the final state, when there is a refund of the order, the status of the order will be changed from ‘successful’ to ‘bounce back’ and the completion time will be updated to the same day.

Disbursement transaction report template:Merchant ID_payout

Bill HeaderHeader DescriptionBill SampleEnumeration
AppIDApplication IDb1de8a8f728840739fcb7ab49b02f4cd
Txn Create TimeCreation Time2024/3/6 10:21:00
Txn Complete TimeCompletion Time2024/3/6 10:21:26
Batch NoTransaction Batch NumberUPAY_BT_UBP_PRO3231313
Merchant Txn IDMerchant Document NumberAndyAA2343345
Trade Order IDPlatform Document Number20240306102100ED7219119311000139005
Txn StatusTransaction StatusSUCCESSSUCCESS:Payout success, FAILURE:Payout failure, BOUNCE BACK:Payout bounce back
Payment Method TypePayment Method TypeBANK_TRANSFER
Payment MethodPayment Method NameBankTransfer
Traget Org/Card OrgTarget Institution Card Group NameUBP
Txn AmountTransaction Amount1
Txn CurrencyTransaction CurrencyPHP
Source AmountDeduction Amount1
Source AccountDeduction CurrencyPHP
Source Txn FeePayer's Commission Fee0
Source Fee CurrencyPayer's Commission Fee CurrencyPHP
Source TaxPayer's Tax Fee0
Source Tax CurrencyPayer's Tax Fee CurrencyPHP
Source Exchange RateExchange Rat1
Destination AmountPayment Amount1
Destination CurrencyPayment CurrencyPHP
Destination Txn FeePayee's Commission Fee0
Destination Fee CurrencyPayee's Commission Fee CurrencyPHP
Destination TaxPayee's Tax Fee0
Destination Tax CurrencyPayee's Tax Fee CurrencyPHP
Destination Exchange RatePayment Amount Exchange Rate1
Payee NamePayee's NamePaul John Santos
Payee Account NumberPayee's Account Number109641573900
Bank CodePayee's Bank Code
Notify AddressPayee's Notify Address
Failure ReasonTransaction Failure Reason
ReferenceCustomized data for merchantThis is reference
Fields to be addedWhen new business arises in the future, we will add new fields to the end of the billing statements to provide clarification and identification.

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