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Disbursement Request

1.Integration Steps

(1) Download the [Disbursement Application Template and Filling Instructions] below and collect user withdrawal elements on your app or website.


Please refer [Disbursement Application Template and Filling Instructions] for detailed requirements for account information.

(2) Refer to the [Disbursement Application Template and Filling Instructions] "Fill in rule" sheet and fill in the required parameters (pink background) to build the API parameters.

For example, according to the template, the payeeInfo.document.documentId of the BANK_TRANSFER withdrawal method in Brazil (BR) is required, and this field must be input when the API is requested.

(3) Payment is irrevocable and cannot be withdrawn once initiated.

2.Order Idempotency Verification

When the merchant submits a payment request, the order number submitted must be guaranteed to be unique.

If PayerMax identifies a merchant requesting the same order number, it will respond code=ORDER_REPEAT and the current status of the order.

3.Interface Parameters

For details, please refer: API

Released under the MIT License.