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Transaction Inquiry

After the payment is completed, the merchant can call the payment query API to query the payment transaction information.

Regarding the transaction status and error code returned by payment query, please refer: 【Transaction Status/Errorcode List】.


The API will only return the corresponding error code when the transaction status is "Failed" or "BOUNCEBACK".

For details, please refer: API

Endpoint:paymentOrderQry Sign rule:[Rule]( "Rule")

Request and response data format: application/json

1.Request parameters

ParameterTypeIs it requiredThe Max. lengthDescriptionExample value
versionStringM8API version. Current value: 1.11.1
keyVersionStringM8key version. Current value: 11
requestTimeStringM32Request time, in line with rfc3339 specification, format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX2022-01-22T10:00:00.500+08:00
appIdStringM64Merchant App Id, the unique identifier assigned to the merchant app by PayerMax46153e2b787241ae8b01857bb087d1bd
merchantNoStringO32Merchant ID, the unique identifier generated when the merchant signs the contract with PayerMax10229810189301
+dataobjectMrequest data body
「outTradeNoStringM63Original Merchant Txn IDORDER123

2.Response parameters

ParameterTypeIs it requiredThe Max. lengthDescriptionExample value
codeStringM32API response code, 'APPLY_SUCCESS' means the interface call is successfulAPPLY_SUCCESS
msgStringM256Response description, 'Success.'Success
+dataObjectCresponse data body
「outTradeNoStringC63Merchant Txn IDORDER123
「tradeNoStringC64PayerMax transaction serial Order ID20220429052556PO71330000270184
「statusStringC32Transaction status, SUCCESS: succeeded;FAILED: failed; PENDING: in progress, BOUNCEBACK: bouncebackFAILED
「transactionUtcTimeStringM32Transaction creation time, conforming to rfc3339 specification, format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z2022-12-14T06:35:38 +0000
「payFinishTimeStringO32Transaction completion time, in line with rfc3339 specification, format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z2022-12-14T06:35:38 +0000
「bounceBackTimeStringO32Order bounced back time, in line with rfc3339 specification, format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z2022-12-14T06:35:38 +0000
「redeemCodeStringO321. FAWRY withdrawal code, 2. Carrier recharge PIN codeFAWRY withdrawal code: ABCD123445670, please refer to the PIN code exchange process table for PIN code
「expiryTimeStringO32Order expiration time, in line with rfc3339 specification, format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z2022-12-14T06:35:38 +0000
「+tradeObjectM512Trading Information
『amountStringM12The payment amount passed in by the merchant in the request (yuan)1
『currencyStringM3The currency code corresponding to the disbursement amount passed in by the merchant in the requestUSD
「+sourceObjectMPayment Information (Merchant)
『amountStringM12Payer - Deduction Amount14551
『currencyStringM3Payer - Deduction CurrencyIDR
『exchangeRateStringO16The exchange rate for converting the disbursement currency to the deduction currency14551.332865014
『feeStringO12Payer - handling fee0
『feeCurrencyStringO3Payer - handing fee currencyUSD
『taxStringO12Payer - Tax fee0
『taxCurrencyStringO3Payer - Tax fee currencyUSD
「+ destinationObjectMPayee Information (User)
『amountStringM12Payee received Amount14000
『currencyStringM3Payee CurrencyIDR
『exchangeRateStringO16The exchange rate for converting the source currency to the target currency14551.332865014
『feeStringO12Payee - handling fee551
『feeCurrencyStringO3Payee - handing fee currencyIDR
『taxStringO12Payee - Tax fee0
『taxCurrencyStringO3Payee - Tax fee CurrencyIDR
「referenceStringO512Additional data, the value sent by the merchantUSER10002
「notifyPhoneStringC32Payee notification phone number081234567890
「notifyAddressStringC64Payee notification email
「responseCodeStringC32Order failed error code,please refer to: [Errorcode List]AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH
「responseMsgStringC256Order failed error code descriptionInsufficient balance

3.Request Example

Request example:

    "version": "1.1",
    "keyVersion": "1",
    "requestTime": "2022-01-17T07:51:15.597+00:00",
    "appId": "a0dddd1f622243cb9aa1b676e808b5f8",
    "merchantNo": "02021382719993",
    "data": {
        "outTradeNo": "P1642410680681"

Response example:

	"code": "APPLY_SUCCESS",
	"msg": "",
	"data": {
		"outTradeNo": "P1642410680681",
		"tradeNo": "20220429052556PO71330000270184",
		"status": "SUCCESS",
		"trade": {
			"amount": "100.12",
			"currency": "IDR"
		"transactionUtcTime": "2022-01-17T09:33:54.540+00:00",
		"payFinishTime": "2022-01-17T09:33:54.540+00:00",
		"bounceBackTime": "2022-01-17T09:33:54.540+00:00",
		"expiryTime": "2022-01-17T09:33:54.540+00:00",
		"redeemCode": "1234444",
		"source": {
			"amount": "100.12",
			"currency": "IDR",
			"fee": "100.12",
			"feeCurrency": "IDR",
			"tax": "100.12",
			"taxCurrency": "IDR",
			"exchangeRate": "14551.3328650147"
		"destination": {
			"amount": "100.12",
			"currency": "IDR",
			"fee": "100.12",
			"feeCurrency": "IDR",
			"tax": "100.12",
			"taxCurrency": "IDR",
			"exchangeRate": "14551.3328650147"
		"reference": "020213827524152",
		"notifyEmail": "",
		"notifyPhone": "081234567890",
		"responseCode": "AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH",
		"responseMsg": "Insufficient balance",

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