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Transaction Status/Errorcode

1. Transaction Status

When PayerMax accepts your payment request, you can get the payment status by querying the API or notification. You can formulate business processes by obtaining the transaction status. The payment transaction status is enumerated as follows:

StatusDescriptionUse Guidelines
SUCCESSTransaction successful/
FAILEDTransaction failedAfter initiating a payment request, the order status will be "PENDING". When the order reaches the final state (SUCCESS/FAILED/BOUNCEBACK), PayerMax will send payment result through "Notification",
You can also check the latest status of your order through "Transaction Inquiry". When the order status is "PENDING", please refer to the payment time limit for inquiry.
PENDINGTransaction processingWhen a payment request fails, PayerMax will return an error code so that you can analyze the cause of the failure. Please refer to "Errorcode List" as below.
BOUNCEBACKTransaction bounced backThe financial systems of some countries may return a successful status after receiving a payment application, but the result is not final. The following situations may exist:
- The receiving account is frozen/incorrect
- Bank, clearing network system problems or other unavailable scenarios
Based on the above situation, PayerMax will change the status of the order from "SUCCESS" to "BOUNCEBACK" and return the payment to the merchant's corresponding account.

2. Errorcode

This page lists all possible error messages that may be returned when a payment request fails when making a payment through the PayerMax Payment Application API or Merchant Platform.

2.1 Errorcode Categories

2.2 Error Example

PayerMax provides stable services to external APIs. If an exception occurs, you will be informed of the error message in the body of the http interface response, for example:

  "msg":"Invalid account or not active",

Similarly, in asynchronous callbacks, failure information will also be responded to, for example:

    "transactionUtcTime":"2024-08-29T12:50:38 +0000",
    "fundsFreezeTime":"2024-08-29T12:50:46 +0000",
    "payFinishTime":"2024-08-29T12:50:46 +0000",
    "responseMsg":"Invalid account or not active",

2.3 Errorcode List

2.3.1 Server Request Limitation

When initiating a payment request, you may encounter the following error codes of the "Server Request Limitation" category:

CategoryErrorcodeError MessageRemark
Server Request LimitationREQ_TIME_OVER_TIMErequestTime effective in two minutesThe request time deviates from the server by more than 2 minutes. Please check the "requestTime" and retry.
ILLEGAL_IP_REQUESTillegal ip requestThe requesting IP needs to be added to the whitelist, please contact PayerMax.
TOO_MANY_REQUESTExceed request limitation, please retry laterThe interface concurrent limit has been triggered. Please try again later.
2.3.2 Merchant Configuration Verification

When initiating a payment request, you may encounter the following error codes of the "Merchant Configuration Verification" category:

CategorySubcategoryErrorcodeError MessageRemark
Merchant Configuration VerificationSignature/Key Configuration VerificationMERCHANT_APP_INVALIDSignature key is not configured.The secret key is not configured. Please configure the key as soon as possible.
SIGN_VERIFY_FAILEDThe signature verify failed.Signature verification failed, please check the key/signature logic.
Contract Availability VerificationCONTRACT_INVALIDMerchant has not signed the contract or payment methods.The contract has not been signed or the payment method has not been activated. Please check the contract status.
MERCHANT_INVALIDThe merchant has been offline.The merchant has been offline. If you have any questions, please contact PayerMax.
2.3.3 Order Information Receiving

When initiating a payment request, you may encounter the following error codes of the "Order Information Receiving" category:

CategorySubcategoryErrorcodeError MessageRemark
Order Information ReceivingRequest Parameter VerificationPARAMS_INVALIDThe {field} is incorrect.Please refer to the "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications" to view the field rules.
PARAMS_INVALIDThe {field} is incorrect,you should fill {?}Please refer to the "Disbursement Application Template and Filling Specifications" to view the field rules.
ORDER_REPEATThe order number repeat.The order number is repeated, please modify it and retry
Other ExceptionsSYSTEM_ERRORSystem is busy, Please try again later.System exception, please check the order status, if the order fails, please retry
2.3.4 Order Information Verification

When initiating a payment request, you may encounter the following error codes of the "Order Information Verification" category:

CategorySubcategoryErrorcodeError MessageRemark
Order Information VerificationPayment Method Availability VerificationPAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLEThe payment method is not available, plz try other payment methods.This payment method is not available, please try another payment method or contact PayerMax.
UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_TYPEUnsupported account typeThe account type is not supported, please modify it and retry.
UNSUPPORTED_BANKBank account invalid or bank not supportedUnsupported bank or the account number is invalid. Please check and retry.
Invalid Transaction Initiation AmountAMOUNT_LIMIT_UNMATCHEDThe single transfer amount does not meet the limit requirementsThe transaction amount does not meet the limit requirement, please modify and retry.
TRANSACTION_MINIMUM_LIMITThe transaction amount is below the minimum limit.The transaction amount is lower than the minimum limit, please modify and retry.
TRANSACTION_MAXIMUM_LIMITThe transaction amount exceeds the maximum limit.The transaction amount exceeds the maximum limit. Please modify and retry.
AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient balanceInsufficient balance, please make sure there is enough balance and retry.
ZERO_DEDUCTION_AMOUNTToo small transaction amount, the actual deduction amount is 0.When the deduction currency is different from the payment currency, please ensure that the estimated deduction amount is greater than 0.
ZERO_CREDITED_AMOUNTToo small transaction amount, the actual payment amount is 0 after fees deduction.Please ensure that the estimated payment amount is greater than the handling fee.
Payee's Transaction Amount LimitPAYEE_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITExceed user amount limitThe payee's amount limit has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
PAYEE_DAILY_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITExceed payee daily cumulative amount limit.The daily cumulative limit of the payee has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
PAYEE_MONTHLY_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITExceed payee monthly cumulative amount limit.The monthly cumulative limit of the payee has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
PAYEE_CUMULATIVE_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITExceed payee cumulative amount limit.The cumulative limit of the payee has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
Payee's Transaction LimitTRANSACTION_EXCEED_LIMITTransaction exceed limit, please retry later.The cumulative transaction limit has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
EXCEED_DAILY_TIME_LIMITThe payee account has exceeded the daily transaction times limitThe daily transaction limit has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
EXCEED_MONTHLY_TIME_LIMITThe payee account has exceeded the monthly transaction times limitThe monthly transaction limit has been reached. Please contact the payee for confirmation.
Payee Account VerificationACCOUNT_BLOCKEDAccount blocked or frozenThe account is closed or frozen, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_ACCOUNTInvalid account or not activeThe receiving account is invalid or unavailable, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_FORMATInvalid account formatThe account format is incorrect, please modify and retry.
NONEXISTENT_ACCOUNTAccount does not exist.The account does not exist, please contact the payee for confirmation.
ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATEDAccount not activated.The account is not activated, please contact the payee for confirmation.
Other Parameters Verification Of PayeeINVALID_BANK_BRANCHInvalid bank branchThe bank branch number is invalid, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_BANKCODEInvalid bankCodeThe bank code is invalid, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_PAYEE_NAMEInvalid payee nameThe name format is invalid, please modify and retry.
INVALID_PHONE_NOInvalid mobile numberInvalid mobile phone number, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_ADDRESSInvalid AddressInvalid address, please modify and retry.
INVALID_EMAILEmail address is incorrect.Invalid email address, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_IDENTIFICATIONInvalid identificationThe payee's ID information is incorrect, please modify it and retry.
INVALID_IFSC_CODEInvalid IFSC CodeInvalid IFSC Code, please contact the payee for confirmation.
INVALID_OPERATORInvalid operatorThe mobile phone number cannot be matched to the operator. Please confirm the mobile phone number is correct and retry.
PROVIDER_REFUSED_PROCESSProvider refused to process, please recheck the payee information.The payee information is incorrect, please modify and retry.
Payment ExpiredREDEEMCODE_EXPIREDRedeemCode has expiredThe payee fails to withdraw funds within the agreed time, please contact the payee and retry.
Payment Element Matching VerificationMISMATCHED_BANKAccount does not match the bank.The account number and bank do not match, please contact the payee for confirmation.
MISMATCHED_IDENTIFICATIONThe identification type does not match the document number.The ID type and ID number do not match, please contact the payee for confirmation.
MISMATCHED_ACCOUNTAccount type does not match the account number.The account type and account number do not match, please contact the payee for confirmation.
MISMATCHED_CURRENCYThe specified currency does not match the payee account.The payee's account is unable to receive payments in the specified currency.
MISMATCHED_NAMEPayee name does not match the payee account.The name and account number do not match, please contact the payee for confirmation.
Risk ControlRFI_BLACKLISTRejected due to failure of beneficiary to submit request informationFailure to submit RFI materials, the transaction is rejected.
DECLINED_BY_RISKBeneficiary bank rejected credit for a reason. Eg:Declined by riskRejected by the receiving bank or institution
Other ExceptionsPAYMENT_FAILEDPayment failedTransaction failed, please contact PayerMax.
PROVIDER_FAILED_PROCESSProvider failed to process, please retry laterTransaction failed, please try again later.
2.3.5 Order Transaction Inquiry

After initiating a payment application, you can query the corresponding order information through "Transaction Inquiry", you may encounter the following error codes of the "Order Transaction Inquiry" category:

CategoryErrorcodeError MessageRemark
Order Transaction InquiryORDER_NOT_EXISTThe order does not exist.The order does not exist or it is being processed. Please check and retry.

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