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Disbursement Transaction Test

In the testing environment, PayerMax provides comprehensive simulation strategies to facilitate merchants in debugging the processing flow of different payment results during the integration process.

1. Result Simulation

In the test environment, for the convenience of merchants, the payermax payment API provides the function of simulating payment results in different states according to the transaction amount (amount) for the processing flow of different payment results. The specific rules are as follows:

  • If failed, fixed amount (Local currency) can be set: 110、 11000;
  • If Pending, fixed amount (Local currency) can be set: 100、 10000;
  • If successful, fixed amount (Local currency) can be set: other amount.

Special reminder:

If transaction currency is inconsistent with the local currency, and one still wants to simulate successful /failed transaction, please fill in the 'remark' parameter: remark=SUCCESS, the simulated transaction is successful; remark=FAILED, the simulated transaction fails; remark=BOUNCEBACK, the simulated transaction is bounced back.
When both the remark and the transaction amount meet the simulation conditions, the remark shall prevail. For example: remark=SUCCESS, transaction amount=811, the result returns success.

2. Test Cases

After completing the product capability access, in order to help merchants verify the Disbursement of collection product functions and understand expected behaviors of each API, PayMax provides developers with complete test cases. You can download on demand according to the real integration:

(1) 【API Single Disbursement】

Released under the MIT License.