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MMC Batch Disbursement

After activating the Disbursement service, merchants can initiate batch payment requests to multiple collection accounts through the merchant platform.


  1. Disbursement needs that the merchant has activated the disbursement service.
  2. Disbursement needs that the merchant has sufficient available balance, please refer 【How to Check the Available Balance】 to check available balance; if the merchat does not have sufficient available balance, please refer 【Merchant Top up Process】 or 【Settlement to Top-Up Operation Process】 to operate accordingly.
  3. Disbursement operations are irreversible and cannot be withdrawn once submitted.

1. Procedures

1.1 Create A Batch Disbursement

After entering the merchant platform, enter the [Disbursement]-[Payment] page, click the [Batch Transfers] button.

1.1.1 Download The Template

To view the template, click the [View Template] button to access the payment template generation page.

Select the country and payment method for the payment, and choose the currency account from which the funds will be deducted. Obtain the payment template.

1.1.2 Fill In The Payment Elements

You can fill in the payment elements according to the Disbursement template. The following are the filling specifications for different cells:

Pink cells: Required, please be sure to make changes according to the actual situations;
Green cells: Optional, you can choose whether to fill in.
Blank cells: Leave blank, you do not need to fill in this information.

1.1.3 Upload Excel With Verification

After filling in the Excel file, please upload it. The system will automatically verify it. For failed orders, you can modify them according to the prompts. After successful verification, submit the batch and the withdrawal can be completed.

The system will automatically validate the uploaded batch file. Click on [Disbursement]-[Payment]-[Batch Payment Inquiry] to view the validation status of the submitted batch file.

1.1.4 Submitting A Batch Disbursement

Click on [Disbursement]-[Payment]-[Batch Payment Query]. After validating and confirming the presence of successfully parsed orders, you can click on the [Submit the Batch] button. The system will then start processing the successfully parsed withdrawal orders, while the failed ones will not be processed.

For the failed orders, you can make the necessary modifications as prompted. Once the validation is successful and there are successfully parsed orders, you can submit the batch to complete the payment.

1.2 Batch Approval

a. Click the [Payment Approval] menu, open the approval page, switch to the [Batch Approval] tab to view the list of batch payments awaiting approval;

b. Data range: MMC batch payments, orders with the status "Awaiting approval", orders that have been approved/rejected will no longer be displayed;

c. Click [Payment Approval]button, the sidebar opens the payment details page, you can view the payment details and operate the Approval or Reject Approval button;

--Click [Approval]button, the payment request is successfully initiated;

--Click [Reject]button, you need to fill in the reason for rejection, and the payment request fails to initiate.

d. After the payment is approved, you can view the order through the [Payment Query] list;

--After approval, the order status is set to "Processing", and you can view the approval record and approval time in the timeline of the payment details page;

--After the approval is rejected, the order status is set to "Processing Failed", and you can view the reason for rejection in the batch query list.

1.3 Batch Payment Query

a. Click [Disbursement]-[Payment] page, click batch query to view batch payment transaction records, the payment status enumeration is as follows:

CreatedBatch payment file has been uploaded, file is under verification./
ValidatedBatch payment file has been verified, waiting for submission (not failed in whole order verification).Submit batch/Delete
Pending approvalOperators with review authority conduct payment review.Approve/Reject/Delete
ProcessingBatch payment application has been accepted by the platform./
SuccessChannel acceptance successful (account arrival results are subject to actual conditions)./
FailurePayment review rejected, the reason for rejection can be viewed on the payment details page.Download original file/Delete

b. The payment query list includes payment time, payment status, batch number, file name, etc., and different operations can be performed under different statuses.

c. Click on payment details, enter the payment details page, the payment details page includes each transaction timeline, and detailed payment transaction information.

2. Appendix

2.1 Status Description

Completed: All single orders in the batch have reached their final status: Success/Failure/Bounce Back;

Processing: There are orders within the batch that have not yet reached their final status.

Regarding payment status, please refer: 【Transaction Status/Errorcode List】.

2.2 Authorization Specification

Authorizations for batch payment operations are divided into 3 types.

Batch Payment: payment order inquiry authorization;

Payment Application: Batch payment application authorization, if this authorization is required, then [Batch Payment] authorization must be opened at the same time to take effect;

Disbursement Approval: For merchants who have opened disbursement approval, this authorization can be given to the corresponding operator to review each disbursement order, and only those orders that have passed the review will enter the disbursement process.

2.3 Disbursement Templete Specification

Field specification:

  • country: the country in which the merchant wants to pay (the user's country).
  • method: the method by which the user will receive the payment, same as the [payment method] field on the page.
  • sourceAccount: the currency of the debit account.
  • orderId: The order number defined on the merchant side, which cannot be repeated within the same batch and cannot be duplicated with previous order Id.
  • tradeAmount/Currency: The transaction tag amount and currency.
  • targetOrg: The target organization of the payment, i.e. the way the user receives the funds, the specific bank/carrier that needs to make the payment, for some payment methods such as BankTransfer and CarrierBilling, the targetOrg needs to be filled in, the content of the filling is shown in the disbursement template named [targetOrg] downloaded from the platform.
  • bankcode: For some banks that use the standard clearing system, the bankcode is required.
  • payeeDocumentType/payeeDocumentId/payeeAccountType: Some payment methods involve fields of this type, which can be found in the sheet named [other completion specifications] in the disbursement template downloaded from the platform.
  • purpose: Transaction purpose, optional, if passed, we will check. The purpose code needs to be included in the purpose list. If not, the transaction will be rejected;【purpose enumerate】
  • Other fields: Cover information about the payee, such as payee account number, name, mobile phone number, address, email address, notes, etc.; see the specific payment template tips for details of the mandatory requirements for selecting this type of information in each payment method.

Amount/Currency specification:

  • tradeAmount/Currency: The amount/currency in which the merchant wishes to pay.
  • sourceAccount (debit currency/amount): The debit currency account specified for the merchant (the source of funds for the payment).
  • destinationAmount/Currency: The actual currency/amount received by the recipient, calculated from the transaction amount.

2.4 Description Of Scenarios For Additional Materials

Based on the requirements of risk control compliance, some orders require merchants to submit supplementary materials to facilitate smooth transactions, such as single payment amounts exceeding certain thresholds or payees at risk. PayerMax will send email reminders to merchants, who can log in to the PayerMax merchant platform to provide additional materials or respond via email.

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