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Phone Number Reference

CountryCountry CodeCurrencyPayee's Phone Number Verification Rule
AlgeriaDZDZD12 digits starting with 213
ArgentinaARARS12 digits starting with 54
BahrainBHBHD11 digits starting with 973
BrazilBRBRL12~13 digits starting with 55
ChileCLCLP11 digits starting with 56
ColombiaCOCOP12 digits starting with 57
EgyptEGEGP12 digits starting with 20
IndiaININR12 digits starting with 91
IndonesiaIDIDR12~14 digits starting with 628
KuwaitKWKWD11 digits starting with 965
MalaysiaMYMYR11~12 digits starting with 60
MexicoMXMXN12 digits starting with 52
NigeriaNGNGN13 digits starting with 234
OmanOMOMR11 digits starting with 968
PhilippinesPHPHP12 digits starting with 63
QatarQAQAR11 digits starting with 974
Saudi ArabiaSASAR12 digits starting with 966
SingaporeSGSGD10 digits starting with 65
South AfricaZAZAR11 digits starting with 27
ThailandTHTHB11 digits starting with 66
United Arab EmiratesAEAED12 digits starting with 971
VietnamVNVND11 digits starting with 84
IraqIQIQD10~13 digits starting with 964

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