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Local Bank Collection Process

1. Process Description

1.1 Go to [Merchant Platform (MMC)] - [Local Bank Collection] - [Account Summary], view the list of local collection accounts opened, and click on the collection account

a. Only accounts with "Active" status can receive payment normally;

b. Accounts with the account status of "Processing"/"Closed" may fail to receive payment.

1.2 Merchants click [Copy All] to provide account information to users for use as the "payee" of the transfer

The "Account Nickname" is only used to facilitate merchants to distinguish accounts and is not used as transfer information.

1.3 User completes offline payment

1.4 Payermax receives bank deposit notifications and confirms deposits

1.5 Merchants can check the order status through MMC - Local Bank Collection - Transaction Summary

a. If the risk control review passes, the merchant will be credited normally;

b. If the risk control review fails, the merchant will be required to provide additional risk control materials.

2. Supplementary Information on Risk Control Materials

2.1 If the risk control review fails, the merchant needs to click the [Submit Supplementary Materials] button to supplement the risk control materials.

2.2 Merchants supplement risk control materials based on the payee type (this step is not required if risk control passes), and select the corresponding option for "Individual"/"Company" based on the payee role

2.3 After submitting the supplementary materials, the risk control department will review it again (until successful). You can check the Local Bank Collection payment results through [Local Bank Collection] - [Transaction Summary]

2.4 In Merchant Platform (MMC) - [Transaction Summary], you can view the fund details (the merchant's actual deposit amount = our bank deposit amount - handling fee)

a. PayerMax will push the transaction result to the merchant's email address via email;

b. Email setting path: [Set up service]-Notification management - Local Bank Collection results / Local Bank Collection supplementary risk control materials.

2.5 Deposit Notification

If merchants need to receive real-time deposit notifications and notifications provided by supplementary materials, they need to add corresponding email addresses in "Settings - Notification Management". For each notification type, the maximum number of email addresses that can be configured is 5.

3. Collection Result Status Description

Collection SuccessfulLocal Collection funds have been successfully credited
Failed, refundedThe Local Collection is rejected, PayerMax will return it to the payer
Risk control materials to be supplementedThis means that the funds need to be supplemented with additional materials to advance the funds into the account.

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