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Settlement Report

For the payin reconciliation service, since the fund bill file does not contain the details of a single fund of the payin transaction, the merchant can reconcile the settlement document with the payin transaction data to meet the needs of fund reconciliation in the payin transaction business.

1、Settlement generation: The computation cycle consists of two parts;T+N where N represents the interval at which the calculation ends;By day, by week, by month, by two weeks, representing the time range of settlement;

Billing CycleStatement of Settlement Date
T+N DayT-day transaction, (T+N natural day) can be calculated
T+N WeekT week transactions can be settled on Mondays of T+N weeks
T+N BiweekT week transactions together with the following 1 week transactions will be settled on the next N week Monday of T+1 week
T+N MonthTransactions in month T can be settled on the 1st of month T+N
Whether it is a week or two weeks, the settlement is made on the following Monday, and the month is divided into the beginning of the month/end of the month (the first or last day of the natural month)

2、Settlement description:
● When there is a refund order in the settlement document, the order creation time refers to the creation time of the refund transaction, and the order completion time refers to the completion time of the refund transaction, which has nothing to do with the original transaction
● The order number of the merchant is the order number of the refund transaction, not the merchant order number of the original transaction, which corresponds to the refund order number (refund id) of the original transaction

3.Settlement check:
● The settlement summary document is classified and summarized by the dimensions of region&payment method
● When merchants check the detailed data of settlement documents of different settlement periods, they need to download the transaction data of different settlement periods according to the dimension of country&payment method on the MMC platform, and perform the reconciliation.
● The summary logic of the settlement summary document is as follows:
Net Amount (Sum)=Txn Amount(Sum) + Txn Fee(Sum) + Txn Tax(Sum)
Txn Amount(Sum):Transaction Amount Summary(Transaction Currency)
Txn Fee(Sum):Transaction fee summary(Transaction Currency)
Txn Tax(Sum):Transaction tax summary(Transaction Currency)
Merchant Txn Tax (Sum):Merchant's Tax on Transactions (Transaction Currency)
Net Amount(remain):Remaining pre-settled amount(transaction currency)
Net Amount(confirm)=Settlement Amount,Corresponding transaction currency and settlement
Settlement Amount=Application Amount+Remain Settlement Amount;
Settlement Amount:Settlement Amount (Settlement Currency)

Exchange on Settlement Time : Settlement Amount (Sum) = Net Amount (Sum) * Exchange Rate (On Settlement Time)

Exchange on Txn Complete Time : Settlement Amount (Sum) = ∑ ( Txn Net Amount * Txn Exchange Rate )

Additional Instructions: At each settlement period, a settlement statement will be issued for both positive and negative settlement amounts. However, negative settlement statements will not deduct from the merchant's balance. Instead, they will be reconciled against subsequent positive settlement statements, and only after this reconciliation will the settlement payment be allowed. Additionally, the exchange rate and the rate date for negative settlement statements will be left blank.

4、Settlement export:
Settlement export path:MMC-Settlement Order(batch),MMC to be settlement details page download (single);
● Settlement-Settlement Order :To export the settlement and its details in bulk, select the settlement statement and click on "Export Details." image
● The settlement report is provided in the form of a compressed file. After decompression, it contains the following two types of excel.

Merchant ID_settlement_sum

Merchant ID_settlement_detail

The settlement sum bill example is as follows:

Bill HeaderHeader DescriptionBill SampleEnumeration
Created TimeCreated Time2023/8/14 0:40:00.0
Settle IDSettle IDFSTSC202308140220441450264
Txn AmountTransaction Amount4.99
Txn CurrencyTransaction CurrencyUSD
Txn FeeTransaction Fee-1.99
Txn Fee CurrencyTransaction Fee CurrencyUSD
Txn TaxTransaction Tax-0.1
Txn Tax CurrencyTransaction Tax CurrencyUSD
Merchant Txn TaxMerchant Transaction Tax-0.5
Merchant Txn Tax CurrencyMerchant Transaction Tax CurrencyUSD
Security DepositSecurity Deposit
Security Deposit CurrencySecurity Deposit Currency
Net Amount(confirm)Net Amount(confirm)2.4
Net CurrencyNet CurrencyUSD
Exchange TypeExchange TypeOn Settlement TimeOn Settlement Time
On Txn Complete Time
On Confirm Time
Settlement AmountSettlement Amount2.4
Settlement CurrencySettlement CurrencyUSD
Fields to be addedWhen new business arises in the future, we will add new fields to the end of the billing statements to provide clarification and identification.
The settlement detail bill example is as follows:
Bill HeaderHeader DescriptionBill SampleEnumeration
Settle IDSettle IDFSTSC202308140220441450264
Settlement TimeSettlement Time2023/8/14 0:00:00.0
Txn Created TimeTransaction Created Time2023/7/24 0:31:00.0
Txn Completed TimeTransaction Completed Time2023/7/24 0:35:00.0
Transaction TypeTransaction TypePayPay
Refund Apply
Refund Failed
Chargeback Unfrozen
Chargeback Frozen
CB Assist Apply
CB Assist Cancel
Adjustment Increase
Adjustment Decrease
Merchant IDMerchant IDP000001
Merchant Txn IDMerchant Txn IDsdfhsdofnsaldja
Trade Order IDPayerMax Transaction IDT202307240008117223154
Txn AmountTransaction Amount4.99
Txn CurrencyTransaction CurrencyUSD
Txn FeeTransaction Fee-1.99
Txn Fee CurrencyTransaction Fee CurrencyUSD
Txn TaxTransaction Tax-0.1
Txn Tax CurrencyTransaction Tax CurrencyUSD
Merchant Txn TaxMerchant Transaction Tax-0.5
Merchant Txn Tax CurrencyMerchant Transaction Tax CurrencyUSD
Net AmountNet Amount2.4
Net CurrencyNet CurrencyUSD
Exchange RateExchange Rate1
Exchange TimeExchange Time2023/8/14 0:40:00.0
Exchange TypeExchange TypeOn Settlement TimeOn Settlement Time
On Txn Complete Time
On Confirm Time
Payment Method TypePayment Method TypeBAR_CODE
Payment MethodPayment Method711/全家/HiLife/OK MART
Traget Org/Card OrgTraget Org/Card OrgFAMILYMART
OriginalMerachant Txn IDOriginal Merachant Transaction ID
Trade DescriptionOrder title or product informationSubject 40 Diamonds
ReferenceCustomized data for merchantThis is reference
Fields to be addedWhen new business arises in the future, we will add new fields to the end of the billing statements to provide clarification and identification.

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