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The conversions function is used to exchange the available balance between different currencies of the merchant (currently only one of the currencies is supported as USD). The merchant will be notified by email of the result of the exchange.

How to make a conversion:

  • After entering the merchant platform, click the [Conversions] button on the [Account] - [Account Balance] page, click the [Conversions] button, or on the [Account] - [Conversions] page, click the [Create] button to enter the conversion process.
  • Select the currency and amount to be sold/bought.
  • Confirm the information you have entered for the conversion.
  • Get the result of the conversion.

Status Description:

  • Processing: The intermediate process of system processing after the merchant has initiated the transfer, if this process is too long, please contact PayerMax staff for confirmation.
  • Success: The system processing is completed, and the funds have been successfully deducted from the payer's account and have successfully reached the available balance of the payee.
  • Failure: The transfer has failed, you can check the reason for the failure on the page or contact PayerMax staff for confirmation.

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