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Funds Detail Report

The fund report is a display of the changes of the merchant’s account balance in various currencies on the day. The accounting types include: VA collection ,settlement transfer charge, payment application, payment failure, account recharge and others . Accounts in different currencies are displayed separately.
Display order: Arranged in reverse order of transaction flow creation time.

Fund report template: Merchant ID_bill
Daily Amount Report statement template: Merchant ID_daily_fund.xlsx


The fund statement only contains the details of account balance changes, and does not contain detailed business flow details. If necessary, you can check the transaction details statement.

Fund report template example is as follows:

Bill HeaderHeader DescriptionBill SampleEnumeration
Request TimeRequest Time2023/7/4 01:35:00
Accounting AmountAccounting Amount-7
BalanceAccount Balance447015411
Accounting CurrencyAccounting CurrencyIDR
Accounting TypeAccounting TypeTransferFreeze Funds
Unfreeze Funds
Defend Apply
Defend Close
Top Up
Service Fee
Account SubjectAccount TypeSettled Payment AccountSettled Payment Account
Disbursement Account
To Be Settled Account
Txn Create TimeTransaction Create Time2023/7/4 02:35:00
Txn Complete TimeTransaction Complete Time2023/7/4 02:35:00
Merchant Txn IDMerchant Txn IDA2022030107595914717433
Trade Order IDPayerMax Transaction IDWD202202282359501838218324
Txn AmountTransaction Amount7
Txn CurrencyTransaction CurrencyIDR
Payee Txn FeePayee Transaction Fee1
Payee Txn Fee CurrencyPayee Transaction Fee CurrencyIDR
Payer Txn FeePayer Transaction Fee1
Payer Txn Fee CurrencyPayer Transaction Fee CurrencyIDR
Payee TaxPayee Transaction Tax0
Payee Tax CurrencyPayee Transaction Tax CurrencyIDR
Payer TaxPayer Transaction Tax0
Payer Tax CurrencyPayer Transaction Tax CurrencyIDR
Failure ReasonReason for Transaction Failure(Extended field)
Merchant NameMerchant Name(Extended field)
Merchant NumberMerchant Number(Extended field)
ReferenceCustomized data for merchantThis is reference
Fields to be addedWhen new business arises in the future, we will add new fields to the end of the billing statements to provide clarification and identification.

Daily Amount Report example of a bill statement:

Bill HeaderHeader DescriptionBill Sample1Bill Sample2EnumerationRemark
Account SubjectAccount TypeDisbursement AccountDisbursement AccountSettled Payment Account
Disbursement Account
To Be Settled Account
Settled Payment Account: An account that holds funds from acquiring transactions that have reached the settlement period.
Disbursement Account: An account that holds funds transferred through deposits or settlement transfers, which can be used for payment purposes.
To Be Settled Account: An account that holds funds that have not reached the settlement period or have not been settled yet.
Initial Daily AmountOpening Balance100000
Inflow AmountIncoming Amount2000200
Outflow AmountOutgoing Amount10000
Final Daily AmountEnd-of-day Balance11000200
Merchant NameMerchant Name(Extended field)
Merchant NumberMerchant Number(Extended field)

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