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1. Use the PayerMax result page

On the PayerMax payment result page, the user can click the Return to Merchant button to jump back to the merchant-specified page.

2. Do not use the Payermax result page (this is the process in API mode)

After the payment is completed, the user jumps directly back to the page specified by the merchant.


Do not use the parameter status value attached to the front-end callback (frontCallBackUrl) to update the transaction result.
Be sure to:
1) PayerMax server asynchronous callback;
2) Or actively request the order status of the order query interface as the processing basis after learning the callback from the front end, so as to ensure the accuracy and security of the transaction.

Precautions for APP merchants to bounce back (Wallet/Bank APP will use the system browser to open the callback address (frontCallBackUrl)):

frontCallBackUrl featuresNormal h5(http/https)Built-in initiative to evoke APP logic h5(http/https)URL Scheme(custom scheme://)AppLink/Universal Link(http/https)
Jump to the process after the payment is completedStay in the system browser and display the H5 pageDisplay the H5 page, and at the same time, the logic in the page actively recognizes the scene to activate the merchant APP, or stay on this page The system automatically tries to invoke the APP specified by Scheme
- If the APP exists & has permission, you can open the corresponding APP
- If the APP does not exist or has no permissions, it will stay in the system browser and display a blank page
The system automatically tries to invoke the APP specified by Scheme
- If the APP exists & has permission, you can open the corresponding APP
- If the APP does not exist or has no permissions, it will stay in the system browser and display the content of the downgraded H5 page
Is it recommendedNoYesNoYes
Advantage/Flexible logic and controllable processSimple and easy to developThe development logic is relatively simple and can be downgraded to use H5 to process business logic
ShortcomingDoes not have the ability to evoke APPThe development is complicated, and it still needs to be used with URL Scheme or AppLink / Universal Link to evoke the APP No downgrade logic, a blank page will be displayed when the APP is not activated

3. The following parameters are spliced after frontCallBackUrl

outTradeNo: merchant order number

tradeToken: PayerMax transaction number

status: order status


4. API Parameters

For details, please refer: API

Released under the MIT License.